Comments on all things journalism and answers to questions from readers about news coverage and operations at the Tracy Press.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Slideshow feedback

I got a handful of positive comments about the slideshow on Thursday and Friday, and we've sold six CDs. They'll be available in our office Monday, if anyone still wants copies.

Here's a portion of an e-mail I got that shows the only negative comment so far.

I will compliment you on your slideshow of the candidates. I wish this would have been available so the rest of us could comment, but apparently that was not in the plan. I hope it wasn’t a plan and just an oversight.

With all the clamor about getting the public involved in the process, limiting time on items from the audience, baseless accusations that the public is not being heard and the accusations of secret backroom developer “deals,” holding on to this information until after the period of time for public comment as letters to the editor has expired doesn’t seem right to me. Why it almost looks alike a back room deal between the Press and TRAQC.

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